*anglais – Plan de leçon interdisciplinaire (suite) – semaine 26 à 28, K-3; junior 31; inter 29-30-32-33; vidéo k-3 sem 26, junior 31, inter 30

Poursuivant nos plans de cours habituels pour le primaire, le junior et l’intermédiaire, nous passons maintenant à des leçons interdisciplinaires avec un groupe d’âge différent chaque semaine!

Ces leçons sont conçues pour combiner les mathématiques avec d’autres matières telles que l’art, la science, l’histoire et bien d’autres, afin de promouvoir l’apprentissage interdisciplinaire! L’apprentissage interdisciplinaire a montré qu’il soutenait l’apprentissage des élèves dans les différents programmes d’études et c’est amusant aussi!

Primary (K-3) Lesson Plans
WEEK 26 –  Overlapping Shapes     English          French

Attente du programme d’études : Classer et identifier les formes bidimensionnelles en comparant le nombre de côtés, les longueurs de ces côtés, les angles et le nombre d’axes de symétrie. Expliquer comment les éléments et les principes de la conception sont utilisés pour communiquer le sens ou la compréhension dans la propre œuvre d’art d’un élève et celle des autres. 

WEEK 27 –  Design a Mini Putt Course    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Identify angles and classify them as right, straight, acute, or obtuse. Use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine solutions to design challenges. 

WEEK 28 –  Urban Planning   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Solve problems involving the perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of composite two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, using appropriate formula. 

Junior (4-6) Lesson Plans
WEEK 31 –  Measuring Your Heart Rate  English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Select from among a variety of graphs, including stacked-bar graphs, the type of graph best suited to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, and labels, and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs. 

Intermediate (9) Lesson Plans
WEEK 29 –  Reducing Electricity Consumption    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Interpret the meanings of points on scatter plots or graphs that represent linear relations. 

WEEK 30 –  Sorting Plants and Animals  English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Compare several everyday objects and order them according to length, area, mass, and capacity. 

WEEK 32 –  Historical Data Graphing  English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Select from among a variety of graphs, including circle graphs, the type of graph best suited to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, and labels, and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs. 

WEEK 33 –  Population Pyramids  English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Describe trends and relationships observed in data, make inferences from data, compare the inferences with hypotheses about the data, and explain any differences between the inferences and the hypotheses. 

Primary (K-3) Lesson Videos
WEEK 26 –  Overlapping Shapes     English

Curriculum Expectation: Sort and identify two-dimensional shapes by comparing number of sides, side lengths, angles, and number of lines of symmetry. Explain how elements and principles of design are used to communicate meaning or understanding in their own and others’ artwork. 

Junior (4-6) Lesson Videos
WEEK 31 –  Measuring Your Heart Rate  English 

Curriculum Expectation: Select from among a variety of graphs, including stacked-bar graphs, the type of graph best suited to represent various sets of data; display the data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, and labels, and appropriate scales; and justify their choice of graphs. 

Intermediate (9) Lesson Videos
WEEK 30 –  Sorting Plants and Animals  English 

Curriculum Expectation: Compare several everyday objects and order them according to length, area, mass, and capacity.